September 12, 2024 6:30pm

Death and Dying: How to Transform Anxiety into Joy with Venerable Losang Gendun


Venerable Gendun



Thursday, September 12

6:30-8:00pm ET

Hybrid | $35

Co-Sponsored with Shantideva Center

Our fleeting selves pass away every moment, losing the present to the past, with the great letting go at an uncertain distance but definite approach. Like with all things, attachment will not preserve the present, and aversion will not hold the inevitable at bay. This raises the question how we manage existential angst in order to be a refuge to ourselves and be fully alive to every moment of our precious existence. Instead of considering oughts, we will explore how we can apply the Dharma to our unique individual circumstances and psychological makeup, to enjoy our deaths as fully as our lives. As the Buddha said in his parting words: “be an island to yourself”. Of course, there will be time for meditation and Q&A.

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In Person $35, Zoom $35

Death and Dying: How to Transform Anxiety into Joy with Venerable Losang Gendun

Thursday, Sep 12, 2024 06:30 PM



Venerable Gendun


Ven. Gendun has practiced Buddhism for nearly four decades and has been a Bhikshu (Buddhist monk) in the Tibetan tradition for the past 18 years. Until his ordination he worked in diverse areas such as palliative care, tech, refugee organizations, and commercial management. He studied Buddhist philosophy and practice for 10 years in monasteries in France, India, Nepal and Myanmar, before spending over four years in retreat, training in Tibetan sutra and tantra, as well as in the Burmese Theravada Forest Tradition. For the past 15 years, Ven. Gendun has been teaching Buddhist philosophy, psychology, and meditation across the world. He is a member of Mind & Life Europe, a multidisciplinary laboratory of researchers and contemplative practitioners for investigating the nature of experience. He is the interreligious canon of the Peace Cathedral in Tbilisi Georgia and is at home in a Mevlavi Sufi Dergah in Istabul. In 2023 Ven. Gendun founded The Buddha Project for the long-term guidance of Buddhist meditators, scientific research, art projects and intercontemplative social engagement.

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