September 27, 2024 6:30pm

Resetting the Anchor from Loss with Bodhicitta | Annie Bien


Annie Bien



Friday, September 27  6:30 – 8pm | $35

Saturday, September 28 : 10:00-3pm | Regular: $100 Sponsorship: $220


We experience loss regularly, whether from the loss of someone very close, or the loss of not having someone to lose. The idea for this workshop began with the loss of my Buddhist teacher and brought back the memory of not having a teacher to lose when searching for one. How do we cope with loss, and can it be considered a time to reassess and review our own lives and purpose? How do we turn grief into developing compassion by cultivating bodhicitta?  What is bodhicitta, “the spirit of enlightenment,” this “mind of awakening”? How does bodhicitta become critical to move onwards? How do you take a fearless account of yourself to become more resilient? Bodhicitta is a supreme challenge for the mind, a gift of honesty for yourself and for those you wish to benefit as you develop your understanding of compassion.


Day 1: Evening Introduction gathering experiences of grief and loss from audience. Introduce meditation practices: body scanning, calming the mind.

Day 2 Morning: Setting motivation for the day, beginning with body meditation. Morning: working in pairs or trios (if enough people), sharing experience of loss, difficulty, and sitting quietly. Introduction to bodhicitta practice. Discussion.

Day 2 Afternoon: Introducing the teaching of the Four Noble Truths, to deal with the world, and incorporating Bodhicitta practice. A brief discussion of the Two Truths and how that helps us live in the reality of the world and incorporating bodhicitta practice to live more compassionately. Dedication practice for a peaceful world.


All programs are held on Eastern Standard Time (ET), unless otherwise noted.  Recordings of hybrid programs will be sent either through e-mail or in Your Account on  Financial assistance is available through contacting [email protected].


Please Note: The Sponsor rate covers the cost of the program and supports fellow practitioners, monastic members, and those in financial need; tax-deductible portion is the difference between the regular rate and this rate.


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Pricing Options

Friday Night Only $35 ONLINE, Friday Night Only $35 IN PERSON, Friday + Saturday Regular Price: $100 ONLINE, Friday + Saturday Regular Price: $100 IN PERSON, Friday + Saturday Sponoshrip Price: $220 ONLINE, Friday + Saturday Sponoshrip Price: $220 IN PERSON


Annie Bien is an English translator of Tibetan scriptures and a writer of fiction and poetry. She began translating Buddhist texts for Khyongla Rato Rinpoche, of the Tibet Center, then for 84000: Translating the Words of the Buddha, and currently with Khenpo Pema Wangdak of Vikramaśila Foundation. She teaches meditation and Dharma at Shantideva Center (FPMT) in Brooklyn, NY. She has written two poetry collections, published flash fiction in literary journals, won writing awards, and co-written an upcoming historical novel on the Sixth Dalai Lama with Robert Thurman. She is also a certified Qigong instructor with Shifu Yan Lei.

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