September 27, 2024 6:30pm

Here in the Floating World Workshop: Introduction and Review of Qigong and Lojong | Annie Bien


Annie Bien



Friday, September 27  6:30 – 8pm | $35

Saturday, September 28 : 10:00-3pm | Regular: $100 Sponsorship: $220


Qigong is a restorative physical meditative practice. The Tibetan practice of Lojong  trains and cultivates the mind’s responses to situations to be less reactive through analytical meditation. Both meditation forms are brought together by breath, the invisible link that brings awareness of how our external and internal life are one.
Because I was a sickly child, I had always been interested in physical fitness, but it never seemed enough to quell my agitated mind. An encounter with a book falling off my shelf with a smiling Dalai Lama on the cover introduced me to Tibetan Buddhism, and that has changed my life. This course introduces methods to cultivate a calmer and brighter attitude to dealing with any change in our life by being physically and mentally prepared.

Friday, September 27, 6:30-8: Intention: An overview discussion on each practice. Approaches to warming up the body, breath, and presentation of Qigong’s five stances. Then after the physical workout, relaxing the mind through breath then using analytical visualizations for the Lojong practice. Q & A
Closing review of the 5 stances
Saturday am, September 28 10-12pm
Intention: Establishing a joyful warm up routine for Qigong using the 5 Stances, adjusting to each participant’s needs.
1) Introducing the Eight Brocades, 1 and 2
Lojong based on Eight Verses for Training the Mind
Saturday pm, 1:30-3pm
Lojong practice: Eight Verses for Training the Mind
Qigong Eight Brocades Review 1 and 2, learn 3
Tonglen practice


All programs are held on Eastern Standard Time (ET), unless otherwise noted.  Recordings of hybrid programs will be sent either through e-mail or in Your Account on  Financial assistance is available through contacting [email protected].


Please Note: The Sponsor rate covers the cost of the program and supports fellow practitioners, monastic members, and those in financial need; tax-deductible portion is the difference between the regular rate and this rate.


Additional information

Pricing Options

Friday Night Only $35 ONLINE, Friday Night Only $35 IN PERSON, Friday + Saturday Regular Price: $100 ONLINE, Friday + Saturday Regular Price: $100 IN PERSON, Friday + Saturday Sponoshrip Price: $220 ONLINE, Friday + Saturday Sponoshrip Price: $220 IN PERSON

Floating World Workshop: Introduction and Review of Qigong and Lojong | Annie Bien

Friday, Sep 27, 2024 06:30 PM



Annie Bien is an English translator of Tibetan scriptures and a writer of fiction and poetry. She began translating Buddhist texts for Khyongla Rato Rinpoche, of the Tibet Center, then for 84000: Translating the Words of the Buddha, and currently with Khenpo Pema Wangdak of Vikramaśila Foundation. She teaches meditation and Dharma at Shantideva Center (FPMT) in Brooklyn, NY. She has written two poetry collections, published flash fiction in literary journals, won writing awards, and co-written an upcoming historical novel on the Sixth Dalai Lama with Robert Thurman. She is also a certified Qigong instructor with Shifu Yan Lei.

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