
Tenzin Gelek

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Tenzin Gelek is the Senior Specialist in Himalayan Arts and Culture at the Rubin Museum of Art. Tenzin is a co-founder of Latse Project and had worked for Latse Library and Trace Foundation over two decades, implementing cultural and educational projects in Tibetan regions. Tenzin has been studying Buddhism since 1980s, starting in Lhasa at the Potala Palace, with many Buddhist teachers cross the Tibetan traditions. Since late 1990s Tenzin has been translating for many Tibetan senior Buddhist teachers of different traditions hosted by dharma and academic institutes in the United States and Europe, including Tibet Center, Tibet House, Himalayan Library, Columbia University, Harvard University and International Association for Tibetan Studies (IATS).  Tenzin also translates high standard academic and dharma works between English and Tibetan, publishing them in journals and academic research papers in the west.  

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