Do Tulku Rinpoche

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  Do Tulku Rinpoche is the lama and Spiritual Director of Arya Tara’s Net, an online community and center for Buddhist studies based in Windeck, Germany. Recognized as the reincarnation of the 5th Raktrul Rinpoche, he received an eleven year training in Buddhist philosophy, practice and debate at Dzongsar Khyentse Chokyi Lodro Institute in Bir, India. Since then he has been teaching in India, Nepal, Europe, and South America. Rinpoche worked with the 84000 translation project for several years as a translator and Himalayan expert, and is currently working with the Khyentse Vision Project as the traditional scholar expert. One of his main activities is the Bodhisattva Project, an online study program with participants from around the world. He is appreciated for his learned, interactive, humorous and often unconventional way of communicating Buddhist teachings.

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