May 15, 2025 6:00pm

Embodying Tara: A Meditation & Mantra Four Part Series on the Twenty-One Taras to Awaken Your Innate Wisdom & Compassion with Chandra Easton


Chandra Easton




Thursday, May 15

Thursday, May 22

Thursday, May 29

Thursday, June 5

6:00-7:30 PM Eastern Time

 $40 per session,$160- base price for entire series, $250 sponsorship | ONLINE ONLY

Scholarships and financial assistance are available, please email [email protected] with a request. 

We gratefully acknowledge those who register as a sponsor.  Your support makes financial assistance possible for others.



This 4-part online series will expand upon the topics shared in the Embodying Tara: The Divine Feminine to Power Your Compassion, Intuition, and Joy course, however, it can also be taken on it’s own. All are welcome.

Tara, the female Buddha of compassion, is called the “Savioress” because she is known for saving beings from the ocean of samsara (suffering). Her name also means “star” as she is as infinite as the stars in the sky. Ultimately, she represents the essential nature of your own mind, your buddha nature, and in this way, she can manifest in each and every one of us in a myriad of different ways. The twenty-one aspects of Tara appear in the 11th century tantric text called the Twenty-One Praises to Tara, a devotional hymn popular in Tibetan Buddhism, from which Chandra’s book, Embodying Tara, draws its teachings and practices. 

We will have the time to expand upon the Tara’s taught in the weekend series, furthering your knowledge of the various Taras found in the twenty-one Tara pantheon. You will learn meditations and mantras for many of the twenty-one Taras, as well as hear stories of real life women who embody their qualities. They will inspire you to bring these aspects of Tara alive in yourself, bringing your body, mind, and soul into alignment with your own enlightened nature. 

We will invite Tara’s awakened energy to come alive in ourselves through:

  • Insight into core Buddhist concepts and teachings;
  • Guided Tara meditations;
  • Mantra recitation and chanting;
  • Exploration of the lives of real women and movements that embody Tara’s enlightened activities.
  • And Journeys with the Taras, a guided personal process whereby we learn from and embody their wisdom.


All are welcome. No prior meditation or knowledge of Tibetan Buddhism is required

Scholarships and financial assistance are available, please email [email protected] with a request.




Scholarships and financial assistance are available, please email [email protected] with a request. 

We gratefully acknowledge those who register as a sponsor.  Your support makes financial assistance possible for others.

Additional information

Pricing Options

Session 1 ONLY $40, Session 2 ONLY $40, Session 3 ONLY $40, Session 4 ONLY $40, All 4 Sessions BASIC- $160, All 4 Sessions SPONSORSHIP $250


Chandra Easton is a Dharma teacher, author, and translator of Tibetan Buddhist texts. She has taught Buddhism and Hatha Yoga since 2001. She studied Buddhism and Tibetan language in Dharamsala, India, and at UCSB’s religious studies department. During her studies, she co-translated Sublime Dharma: A Compilation of Two Texts on the Great Perfection (Vimala Publishing, 2012) with B. Alan Wallace. Seeking to bring forth the voice of the empowered feminine in Buddhism, Chandra regularly leads retreats and classes for various organizations, develops programs and curricula for Tara Mandala Retreat Center, founded by Lama Tsultrim Allione, and teaches Dharma nationally and internationally. She co-founded the 21 Taras Collectivewith Nina Rao and Genevieve Walker, to record music for the twenty-one Taras mantras found in her new book, Embodying Tara: Twenty-One Manifestations to Awaken Your Innate Wisdom (Shambhala Publishing, 2023).

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