
Tashi Kyil Monastery

Six monks from Tashi Kyil Monastery in Dehra Dun, India are touring the USA to educate the public about the culture and Buddhist religion of Tibet and to seek donations to support their monastery. Tashi Kyil needs funds to educate the more than 120 young monks who have come to the monastery for a Buddhist education.  These youngsters are from the Tibetan-Himalayan regions that lie close to Tashi Kyil.  In addition to educating the young monks, Tashi Kyil provides them with much needed health care since most of the children come from villages that lack many of the necessities of life. Since Labrang Tashi Kyil is a refugee monastery, it relies completely on the kindness of good-hearted sponsors.  If you are interested in receiving these monks in your church, your organization, your home, please contact us to discuss possibilities.

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