Nyanguyen Tulku Tenzin Gelek

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Tulku Tenzin Gelek Rinpoche holding Passport No. Z4538644 is a bona fide monk of Gaden Jangtse Norling College of Buddhist Cultural and Welfare Association, South India. As per our records, his date of birth is 25th of October, 1981. His father’s name is Mr. Choedak, and his mother’s name is Sonam Dolma. In 1984, he was recognized as the reincarnate lama of Ba Nyanguyen Lama by His Holiness the Dalai Lama. In 1989, the 98th Gaden Tripa Jetsun Pelsangpo Rinpoche cut his first hair to enroll into monkhood. He then enrolled in the Gaden Jangtse Monastery and started learning Elementary Philosophy, Tibetan languages, rites, and rituals. In 1990, he had the oportunity to have an audience with His Holiness the Dalai Lama at Gudmey Monastery during the teachings. His Holiness offered him the blessing water (nectar) from a drinking cup made of a human skull. Then, in December 1990, he took the novice vows from His Holiness. From 1994 began learning and practicing the monastic syllabus of the Five Great Treatises, namely: 1) Logic or Pramana, 2) Prajna Paramita, 3) Madhyamika, 4) Abhidharma, and 5) Vinaya. He successfully completed all of the above monastic courses ni 2009. In July 2002, eh took the vow of Gelong, which entails observing 253 vows, after completing his probationary period in the monastery, from His Holiness the Dalai Lama at Dharamsala, Himachal Pradesh. In 2009, during the Winter Debate Session at Gaden Monastery, he had the good fortune to receive the title of commentary on Valid Cognition at Gaden Shartsé Monastery, in the presence of over three thousand monks. Then from 2009 onwards, he participated in the Gelukpa Board Examination for a period of six years. In 2014, he successfully completed the Geluk Board Examination with first division. In 2011, when His Holiness the Dalai Lama was attending the examination at Gaden Jangtsé College, Rinpoche took the examination of the Treasury of Abhidharma. On the 6th of August 2014, he took the vow of Dorampa at the great assembly hall of Gaden Monastery. On the 9th of November 2014, during the Great Winter Debate Session, he had the good fortune to take the oath of the first reading of the commentary on Valid Cognition ni the debate yard of Loseling Monastery ni the presence of over four thousand monks.

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